Club rules at China Fleet Country Club | Saltash, Cornwall near Plymouth
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Maximising your enjoyment

Club Rules

1.  Foreword

Listed below are our general rules, which are designed to maximise your enjoyment of the Club, we hope you will find them both useful and informative. 

1.1 If you wish to cancel your membership you are required to: give the club a minimum of 14 days’ notice, contact your bank/building society to cancel your direct debit instruction.

1.2 When the membership expires, if you wish to re-join a re-joining fee will apply (applicable to ALL membership categories).

1.3 All partners/children share the same benefits as the primary member.

1.4 Full weekday members are entitled to use all appropriate health club facilities between 7.00am-5.00pm, Monday-Friday and can use the facilities at the weekends on a pay-as-you-pay basis. The latest admission Monday-Friday is 4.30pm and all health club facilities must be vacated by 5.00pm.

1.5 A couple membership denotes two persons, both parties must be over the age of 16 years of age and using one bank account to make the membership subscription payment. The couple do not have to share the same address.

1.6 The Managing Director may, restrict or close certain facilities or cancel any event, exercise class or leisure activity within the Club. For example, the closure may be the result of essential maintenance or an organised function, which will ultimately be to the benefit of members. In the unfortunate event of a facility breakdown or the lack of resources (i.e. staff of a suitable nature, qualification and training) the Club will work tirelessly to resolve the issue. Any consequent downtime will not result in a membership subscription rebate.

2. Definitions

Club China Fleet Country Club Limited, a registered limited company (number 02527923) whose registered address is Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6LJ
Golf Course Outdoor green area dedicated to golfing.
Premises Areas of the Club made available to members and guests.

3.  Children

3.1 – When using any facilities, children aged 7 years and under must be accompanied by a responsible person over 16 years of age. We ask that the following child: responsible adult ratio be adhered to:

3.2 –  The following rules apply to children on the Club premises:

Activity/AreaAge LimitConditions
General8Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied and supervised by a person aged 16 years or over, at all times.
Swimming Pool8Children aged 3 years and under – 2:1
Children aged between 4-7 years – 3:1
Golf Course12Unless playing, no children under the age of 12 are permitted on the golf course.
 Gym14Unless attending a structured Junior Gym session, no children under the age of 14 are permitted in the fitness suite.
Aqua Spa16No children under the age of 16 are permitted in the Aqua Spa.
Exercise Classes16Unless attending a structured class, no children under the age of 16 are permitted to attend classes.
Changing Facilities8+Children 8 years and over must use the designated change facility for their gender.
Funzone and outside play areasALLAdults must supervise their children in the Funzone and Outdoor Play Areas at all times.

The above does not include pre-organised structured health club activities where the Club accepts responsibility with the parent’s prior consent, e.g. Multisports, Swimming Lessons, etc. it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian for the safekeeping of their child/children whilst on the Club’s premises. 

4. Dress Code

4.1 – Members must wear clothing appropriate to the activity in which they are participating, e.g. tennis wear is appropriate for the tennis court, not for the Golf Course, and vice versa. For hygiene reasons, appropriate swimwear must be worn in the swimming pool and Aqua Spa facilities only. For the avoidance of doubt, exercise clothing cannot be used in the Aqua Spa and Pool.

4.2 – For reasons of safety and to avoid damage to surfaces, the correct footwear must be worn for sports. Shoes with non-marking soles must be worn when participating in sporting activities within the Club, and;

4.2.1 – only golf shoes may be worn on the Golf Course;

4.2.2 – wellington boots, spiked shoes and other outdoor footwear may not be worn inside the Club; and,

4.2.3 – golf shoes may be worn in the area of the Club only where designated. Although these areas are covered with a spike-proof carpet, golfers are requested to take extra care to ensure that golf shoes are free from mud and grass before entering from the Golf Course.

4.2.4 – footwear must be worn at all times except in wet areas.

4.3 – The dress code for the Golf Course and associated facilities is as follows:

4.3.1 – shirts with collars, Mock neck, or Turtle neck.

4.3.2 – golf branded attire, which is designed for the game of golf, including hoodies

4.3.3 – golf shoes with socks (either long or short).

4.3.4 – when shorts are worn, only tailored are permitted (not soccer, rugby, athletic or cargo shorts) and must be above the knee.

4.3.5 – denim jeans, denim shorts, and tracksuits are not permitted.

4.4 – Smart casual wear is encouraged at all times, clean tracksuits, etc. are allowed in the bar (those who have just taken part in strenuous exercise are asked to shower first).

4.5 – Smart casual wear must be worn in restaurants & function rooms. Pyjamas or onesies are not permitted in any area.

5. Alcohol on Site

The following is a summary of the Club’s licensing rules:

5.1 –  Bar/Brasserie: Children under the age of fourteen years may only use these areas throughout the day until 9.30pm, and must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Under no circumstances is any child under the age of eighteen years permitted to purchase alcohol at the bar or to consume alcohol on the premises. The Club operates a “think 25” policy. 

5.2 –  Lounge Bar: Over 16’s only. Alcohol is only sold at the discretion of the bar staff, who have the authority to refuse to serve a member or guest at any time. 

5.3 – All Food and Beverage Areas: Members must produce their membership cards to qualify for members’ discounts. Discounts cannot be given without a valid membership card.

5.4 – Staff Gratuities: Staff are not permitted to drink on duty; as such gratuities of alcohol cannot be accepted.

6. Pets & Animals

With the exception of assistance dogs, no pets or animals may be brought into the Club building. No dogs are allowed on the Golf Course. Dogs are permitted on the Nature Trail and we ask that you clean up after your dog. 

7. Specialist Clubs

Coaching, and the sale of goods or services

7.1 – Specialist Clubs may be formed by Club members in the interest of a particular sport, e.g. Golf, Squash, Tennis, etc. Members of specialist Clubs may choose to form a Committee and form draft rules for their Club. Such rules are not binding on members and may be unilaterally amended or revoked by the Club.

7.2 – All coaches and instructors must be appointed and endorsed by the Club. 

7.3 – The sale of goods or services not endorsed by the Cub is strictly prohibited.

8. Sporting Activities

8.1 – All sporting activities within the Club premises and grounds are to be conducted in accordance with rules and guidelines of the appropriate sports governing body 

8.2 – Classes and activities may not run if suitable participation numbers are not reached, or staff of a suitable nature, qualification or training cannot be sourced 

8.3 – Members participating in sporting activities must not:

8.3.1- consume food or drink in indoor sports area

8.3.2 – take over a court or sports area prior to allocated time

8.3.3 – enter a sports area whilst in use by other members

8.3.4 – enter an exercise class after the class has started

8.3.5 – leave a class before the class has ended

8.4 – In addition, members must:

8.4.1 – produce their membership cards when attending or booking facilities. No discount across the Club’s facilities can be given without the production of the membership card

8.4.2 – quote their membership or card number when making sports bookings by telephone

8.4.3 – adhere to any requests from members of staff throughout the Club

8.5 – Members are given 14 days (for Golf) / 7 days (for Health Club) in advance booking privileges. The following rules apply:

8.5.1 – members must cancel their unwanted bookings, failure to cancel or attend repeatedly will result in booking privileges being removed and facility charges will be incurred 

8.5.2 – members may only book for themselves or other named person/s who are part of their health club membership package 

8.5.3 – members must only book sessions suitable for age category (i.e adult or child sessions)

8.5.4 – members are only permitted to book a maximum of two sessions per court, and single court only

9. Conduct

9.1 – Please treat other members, guests and staff with courtesy and consideration.  Examples of behaviour that will not be tolerated include:

9.1.1 – undue noisiness;

9.1.2 – rude or offensive behaviour; 

9.1.3 – insobriety; and/or

9.1.4 – abusive language.

9.2 – Please note that the Managing Director or his representative may request members compliance with the rules or to escort any offender from the premises. The Managing Director may, at their discretion, immediately suspend any member for misconduct and in liaison with the Company Board of Directors, a final decision will be made which may lead to longer suspension or expulsion. 

9.3 – In extreme circumstances, the Managing Director may ban any person from the Club immediately when they pose a direct threat to the safety of members, guests or staff. Such instances include the committing or threat of:

9.3.1 – physical abuse;

9.3.2 – physical violence;

9.3.3 – child abuse, sexual abuse;

9.3.4 – any other behaviour that is deemed, at the sole discretion of the General Manager, inappropriate or offensive.

9.4 – Expulsion of a Member will be reviewed by the Club Board at their next regular meeting.

9.5 – Members may sign up to 8 guests per visit, into the Club subject to the following rules:

9.5.1 – the member must be aged 16 years or over to sign in guests;

9.5.2 – members must remain on the Club premises throughout the period of their guest’s visit; and,

9.5.3 – members are responsible for the behaviour and conduct of their guests.

10. Smoking

The China Fleet Country Club is a non-smoking in all areas. If you wish to smoke, members must use the designated outside smoking areas.

11. Health & Safety

Members have a duty under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others that may be affected by their actions. To ensure that we maintain governing body water quality and hygiene standards it is essential all members shower prior to entering the pool and Aqua Spa. The Club works in accordance with its Health & Safety Policy a copy of which is available at reception, which has been approved by the General Manager.

12. Evacuation

In the event of an alarm to evacuate the Club, members are asked to calmly leave the building they are in and gather at designated location, guided by:

12.1.1 – the recorded message or audio siren that will sound within the building; and,

12.1.2 – staff who will control the evacuation.

13. Motor Vehicles

13.1 – Motor vehicles may only be parked close to the Club buildings, including the apartments, whilst loading or unloading. Unattended vehicles parked close to the building will be treated as suspicious and may prompt a full security alert.

13.2 – The Club is not responsible for damage to vehicles while on the Club premises. 

13.3 – Members are advised to keep any valuables out of sight.

14. Bags & Packages

14.1 – All bags and sports items should be stored away when not in use. Lockers are provided in the changing room facilities. 

14.2 – Unattended bags or packages left in the open anywhere within the Club are a security risk. Please remain vigilant at all times and report any suspicious objects or occurrences to a member of staff without delay.

14.3 – Two racks are provided against the south wall of the area, for the temporary storage of golf bags.  Neither golf bags nor trolleys are to be left in the golf changing
           rooms or the glazed link other than in lockers or racks provided. 

14.4 – The Club is not responsible for the loss of valuables left unattended or stored on the Club premises, including those left in lockers. Members are strongly advised to avoid bringing large amounts of money or valuable items to the Club.

14.5 – Items of lost or found property should be reported or handed into reception as appropriate. If unclaimed, items will be donated to the appropriate local charity on a weekly basis.

15. Identification

15.1 – Members should carry their membership card whilst on the Club premises and may be asked to present their membership cards and/or other means of identification at any time.

15.2 – Random checks will be carried out periodically to ensure the security of the Club and protect members’ rights and benefits. 

16. Child Protection

16.1 – The Club has a Child Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at reception, those staff with regular/occasional contact with children will receive training on child protection issues.  

16.2 – Everyone, including members and guests, has a duty of care to children using the facilities, and ask that members remain vigilant. Any concerns should be reported immediately to a member of staff.

16.3 – Those with parental responsibility for a child/children using the facilities, should take responsibility for overseeing the child/children within the changing rooms, and assist them in dressing/dealing with matters of a personal nature, where they deem it necessary.

17. Photography & Recording Equipment

17.1 – Photographic and recording equipment (including mobile phones and other electronic devices) is not to be used within the Club’s toilets, changing facilities, health club facilities, or children’s play areas. It is essential that permission is sought from the Duty Leisure Manager prior to any form of photography or filming taking place. This is to protect the privacy of our members and guests. This is in conjunction with our Child Protection Policy.

18. Change Facilities

18.1 – All users of the Club changing facilities must use the specific facility related to their gender from the age of 8 years and above.  For trans individuals in the process of gender reassignment, it is their legal right to choose the facility relating to the sex that they are presenting as.  The Club follows the guidance provided by UKactive , the industry governing body.